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Top 5 Things You Should Know Before Choosing a Tiler

Using tiles as part of your overall interior design scheme is a fantastic way to bring in beautiful surfaces with a product that is easy to clean and maintain and look great for a long time. If you're handy with tools it may seem like a good idea to try and complete the tiling yourself, however more often than not it is better to spend the extra money on a professional tiling contractor to complete the work for you. 

So how do you start the process?

Here are some simple steps you may like to consider when starting the process of finding and choosing a contractor to install the tiles for your project.


Ask for a written quote.


Compare prices from at least 2 or 3 tilers.


Ask for a couple of references you can call to discuss their experience.


Review the process so far. Were they easy to contact? Did they arrive on time? Did the quote seem to cover all work required?


The cheapest quote is not always the one to choose. Equally, a more expensive quote does not necessarily reflect their quality of work.

If the quote seems fair, they seem professional and their references were good, chances are you are on the right track to making a more informed decision.


You can also speed the process up by using a professional contracting website like ServiceSeeking, where you submit the details of your project for free, and tiling contractors will submit bids/quotes for your project.

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